After an unfortunate accident shattered my life, the gods transported me to a new world filled with magical creatures. My start there was anything but smooth, but I had the assistance of Silvy, a beautiful goblin woman who claimed I was the answer to her prayers—literally. I soon discovered that the goblin king was the most violent and tyrannical ruler in their history, and the gods had brought me here to overthrow him.
Nutshell – (Warning!! Spoilers)
- Our MC Aaron is transported to another world after earth is sucked into a blackhole
- Saved by a hot goblin lady who changes his body and wants him to kill her tyrant king
- learns to fight from the elves and meets new goblin lady
- learns about blood magic while new goblin lady and her friend join the cause and also start to learn magic
- routine is ended by tyrant kidnaping the women before our MC is ready
- with help from his elven allies and some not so friendly ghost our MC kills the tyrant and takes the throne
- Marries the three goblin women along with a elf for renewed political relations between the two peoples