An ordinary farmer reflects on his mundane life in an average village on the outskirts of a kingdom. However, his routine is disrupted when he and his friends encounter slavers targeting descendants of dryads, ancient beings believed to be extinct. The farmer unexpectedly finds himself drawn into a world of magic and danger, centered around Samsara, the last surviving hamadryad. Despite not being the intended recipient of Samsara’s call, he discovers a newfound purpose alongside his friends, navigating a realm where he encounters both peril and intriguing women. This journey offers him the chance to finally discover his place in a world far removed from his average existence.
Nutshell – (Warning!! Spoilers)
- Our farmer MC and his friends set off to find a waterfall and lake they visited as kids
- The group escapes the slavers chasing and are now apart of a magical school run by a hamadryad
- Our MC lacks an understanding of his power and isn’t out into any of the current houses
- Gets to know a blind girl who is bullied by they other students
- saves her from an attempted murder by another student by jumping through space
- after sexy times he can use her power to make barriers
- a new house is formed and other misfits join
- Our MC is asked to go on a mission to determine the source of an information leak
- has sexy time with healer girl before leaving
- betrayed by another dryad our MC teleports back to the school before getting captured
- during the tournament our MC finally recognizes the student who tried to kill his friend before all hell breaks loose and traitors attack from within the school